Leaders Creating Leaders for Tomorrow

Doctor of Pharmacy Program Disclosure Information

The Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). The current term of accreditation extends through June 30, 2028.

The ACPE Board of Directors established a policy detailing what information ACPE-accredited programs must make readily available to the public.

Additional information about the program will be added and updated as required.

On-time graduation rate for the most recent graduating class in the single degree pathway (i.e. the percentage of a class cohort completing the curriculum in the specified timeframe:

Graduating Class Entering Cohort % On Time Graduation
2023 148 92.5%

NAPLEX Pass Rate: The most recent year's North American Pharmacy Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) results for first time takers as found on the NABP website:

Graduating Class % Passing on 1st Attempt
2022 82%



  • 40.4% of graduating class matched/accepted into PGY-1 residencies/fellowships
  • 87.5% match rate for those who ranked PGY-1 programs
  • 91.6% match rate for previous graduates who ranked PGY-2 programs


Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy’s Doctor of Pharmacy program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, 190 South LaSalle Street, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60603, 312/664-3575; FAX 866/228-2631, web site www.acpe-accredit.org.

Last Updated: January 02, 2024