Leaders Creating Leaders for Tomorrow

Early Assurance Program

Students take the oath of a pharmacist

The Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy allows highly qualified applicants the opportunity to receive early acceptance into the Harrison College of Pharmacy's Doctor of Pharmacy program. Students admitted to Auburn University, the University of South Alabama, and other approved colleges and universities can receive conditional admission to the HCOP. Successful matriculation into the HCOP would be dependent upon meeting subsequent requirements while enrolled as an undergraduate student.

High school seniors and undergraduate students admitted to or attending HCOP-approved colleges and universities are eligible to submit an EAP application through our Application Form.

Program Information

Minimum Standards

  • High School Seniors
    • Have a minimum GPA of 3.4 (weighted/cumulative), no grade lower than a C in STEM classes
    • Have minimum ACT of 26 (or comparable SAT scores), if applying traditionally
      • If GPA is 3.6 and above, ACT/SAT requirement is waived
      • ACT superscores are accepted
    • Acceptance Letter from Auburn University or the University of South Alabama
    • Letter of Support [PDF]
    • Unofficial transcripts
    • ACT/SAT test scores (unofficial)
    • 500-word personal statement:
      “In 500 words, please describe your interest in pharmacy as a career path and/or why you would like to be a pharmacist. Feel free to include why you believe the Early Assurance Program would contribute to your success.”
  • Undergraduate Students
    • Must be currently enrolled at Auburn University or the University of South Alabama
    • Have completed 2 semesters of college (minimum of 24 semester credit hours)
    • Have a minimum GPA of 3.5 on all undergraduate prerequisite coursework attempted at the designated undergraduate college/university
    • Have no grades of less than C
    • Completion of at least 15 prerequisite math/science hours at the undergraduate college/university (course credit awarded by advanced placement [AP] can be used to meet this requirement if the awarding of AP credit precludes the scheduling of science/math courses)
    • Students who have completed 3 or more academic semesters should contact HCOP’s Division of Academic Programs for guidance regarding their application process
    • Letter of Support [PDF]
    • Unofficial transcripts
    • 500-word personal statement:
      “In 500 words, please describe your interest in pharmacy as a career path and/or why you would like to be a pharmacist. Feel free to include why you believe the Early Assurance Program would contribute to your success.”

Interview and Admission

  • Applicants will be reviewed as they are received. Interviews for qualified applicants will be scheduled as soon as possible.
  • Within a week of the interview, the Admissions Committee will communicate a decision for each applicant regarding an EAP admission to Doctor of Pharmacy program.
  • The HCOP will hold future seats in the Doctor of Pharmacy program for all EAP students for a time period of up to 4 years from the date that the student matriculated into undergraduate course work. This allows applicants flexibility in the completion of their pre-pharmacy work including the option of completing a baccalaureate degree prior to matriculation or matriculating at a time after they have completed their prerequisites.

Academic Progress

  • The HCOP will organize events each academic year for EAP students.These events will focus on EAP students’ success in the pre-pharmacy curriculum as well as their exploration of pharmacy and the HCOP. Information will be provided each year regarding these events and participation requirements. Additionally, EAP students are also expected to participate in appropriate activities on their campus, such as prepharmacy club or Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED). Students on the Auburn camps are expected to participate in the Prepharmacy Club, and students on the USA campus are expected to participate in the Future PharmD organization. AED serves as an alternate organization on both campuses.
  • At the completion of each academic year, HCOP will monitor the academic progress of each EAP student. All students maintaining the requirements below will retain their reserved seat in the HCOP. HCOP admissions will review each student who does not meet the requirements below to determine if the student can continue in the EAP program or will need to apply to HCOP using the traditional application process.
    • Be enrolled in a minimum of 12 prerequisite hours each semester (excluding summer terms)
    • Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 at the completion of each academic year
    • Have no grade of less than C in any course
    • Have no withdrawals from any course*
    • Participate in activities as outlined above
    • Have not been disciplined by their undergraduate college/university or a state licensing agency
  • Students wishing to take a prerequisite science course at a university other than Auburn University or University of South Alabama must receive approval from the Associate Dean for Academic Programs.
  • Admitted EAP students are requested to send their official university email address to the HCOP Division of Academic Programs as soon as it is assigned to them. This assists HCOP with communications regarding the events, activities, and academic progress mentioned above.

Formal Admission

  • EAP participants are required to submit an application to PharmCAS by October 1, in the year prior to their planned matriculation into the HCOP. They will be reviewed to assure that they are in compliance with all of the requirements listed above. They must also demonstrate a plan for completing the remaining prerequisite courses without exceeding normal course loads. Those individuals meeting these requirements will not be re-interviewed and will be provided a formal offer of admission.
  • Students who lose their EAP positions due to not maintaining the requirements stipulated above remain eligible for admission using the HCOP’s regular admission process.

*The HCOP's Associate Dean for Academic Programs will review on a case-by-case basis those students where extenuating circumstances may have resulted in course withdrawals.

Last Updated: October 24, 2023