Leaders Creating Leaders for Tomorrow

HCOP to offer new undergraduate degree in drug and biopharmaceutical sciences

Student and faculty member at research bench in lab

September 26, 2023

AUBURN, Alabama – Recognizing a need to further prepare students for careers in health care and the pharmaceutical industry, the Harrison College of Pharmacy is pleased to offer a new Bachelor of Science in Drug and Biopharmaceutical Sciences. This innovative undergraduate program at Auburn University will provide students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills related to drug discovery and development.

The mission of the program is to combine active learning with applied experiences, producing graduates with the skills and abilities to take on roles in the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies, as well as professional and advanced degree programs.

“The Harrison College of Pharmacy has a long history as leaders and innovators in drug development and this program is another way our outstanding faculty can prepare pharmaceutical sciences students to make a significant impact in health care,” said Leigh Ann Ross, dean of the Harrison College of Pharmacy. “Health care is one of the largest industries in the world and growing every day. We have an innovative instructional and research-intensive academic environment with the capacity to meet the challenges of preparing undergraduate-level students for entering newly-emerging pharmaceutical sciences career tracks.”

The program was approved by the Auburn University Board of Trustees at its April 14 meeting. Approval from the Alabama Commission on Higher Education was granted at its Sept. 8 meeting.

Faculty in the Harrison College of Pharmacy’s Department of Drug Discovery and Development designed this program, allowing the college to fully leverage its pharmaceutical sciences educators and research activities to provide new opportunities for undergraduates seeking careers in pharmaceutical and related industries.

High school graduates and transfer students will be able to enroll in the program beginning in the fall of 2024. Once enrolled, students will pursue foundational coursework that includes the pharmaceutical science sub-disciplines of medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, and biologics, and further their experiences through elective coursework and laboratory research that is of interest to them.

“Our new program reflects our growth as a health-care professional college,” said Tim Moore, associate dean for research. “I commend our Department of Drug Discovery and Development for their work to establish this program and our entire Harrison College of Pharmacy faculty, staff, students and leadership for supporting moving this vision forward.”


About the Harrison College of Pharmacy

Auburn University’s Harrison College of Pharmacy is ranked among the top 25 percent of all pharmacy programs in the United States, according to U.S. News & World Report. Fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), the College offers doctoral degrees in pharmacy (Pharm.D.) and pharmaceutical sciences (Ph.D.) while also offering a master’s in pharmaceutical sciences. The College's commitment to world-class scholarship and interdisciplinary research speaks to Auburn's overarching Carnegie R1 designation that places Auburn among the top 100 doctoral research universities in the nation. For more information about the College, please call 334.844.8348 or visit http://pharmacy.auburn.edu.

Making Medications Work Through Innovative Research, Education and Patient Care

Last Updated: September 26, 2023