Leaders Creating Leaders for Tomorrow

Graduate Student Directory

Tim Lai

Tim Lai

Degree Program: Ph.D., Health Outcomes Research and Policy
Anticipated Graduation: 2025
Advisor: C. Edward Chou
Email: czl0152@auburn.edu



  • B.S. Pharmacy – China Medical University (Taiwan), 2017

Research Areas:

  • Underserved population
  • Health disparities
  • Disease prevention and disease management
  • Quantitative analytics

Tim Lai is a Ph.D. student and Auburn Presidential Graduate Research Fellow in the Department of Health Outcomes Research and Policy at Harrison School of Pharmacy. Before entering the Ph.D. program in Spring 2021, Tim was a pharmacist at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan for two years.

As a teaching hospital pharmacist, Tim observed many unmet needs in health care systems and consequently decided to pursue advanced training in health services research. Tim’s research interests are centered on health equity, underserved and undertreated populations.

Last Updated: October 12, 2021
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