Leaders Creating Leaders for Tomorrow

Frequently Asked Questions

I completed one of the CE courses but I don’t see the credit in my ACPE CPE Monitor profile.

You should be able to see your course progress on EthosCE under “Pending Activities.” Please be sure to click through all steps of the course to be able to claim credit. If you have completed all steps, even to “Review” the instruction page, and you have completed the program evaluation, you should be able to click “Next” and choose the type of credit you wish to claim. If you have clicked to claim credit and there was an error with your NABP or DOB listed, the system will provide an error message. You can update your profile information at any time and the system will retry credit upload later that day. If you have completed all steps and still experience issues with credit, please contact hsopce@auburn.edu.

Are you offering a Consultant program this year?

Our annual Consultant Certification (8 hrs total, Friday + Saturday) and Update (4 hrs total, just Saturday) occurs in the summer each year with registration opening in the spring. Please visit aub.ethosce.com for more information on each program offering. We will be offering this program via live Zoom webinar only. Please visit aub.ethosce.com/homepagefor more information on this year’s course. This program has been approved by the Alabama Board of Pharmacy for consultant update hours. The eight hour program is an approved certification program for new consultants.

I just checked my profile for the CE program I attended earlier in the year. I do not see my credits. Can you upload them for me?

ACPE strongly recommends that each participant check their CPE Monitor profile within 60 days of the program to verify credits. ACPE will not allow a provider to submit CE credit past that deadline. Our office does send out emails following each program to reminder attendees to claim credit and check that credit is reflected in the learner’s CPE Monitor. If the window for correcting credit has closed, we can issue a certificate of attendance with the ACPE UAN listed. To obtain a certificate of attendance, please contact hsopce@auburn.edu.

Are you offering any immunization programs soon?

We will offer APhA Immunization programs for both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians on an annual basis. Please visit aub.ethosce.com for available upcoming programs.

I have never done Zoom before. Do I need to download anything to join the CE?

The process of joining into the Zoom webinar is quick and easy. You do not need to create a Zoom account; only click the link we will soon provide to join in that day. Participants will simply enter name and email address when prompted and will be muted. Only the presenters will be shown on screen. You can type questions/responses into a chat function during the program. I will list the steps below, and you will be able to test your Zoom connection in plenty of time.

  1. Register for the course within Ethos.
  2. Click on the link within the course description and follow instructions to join via Zoom
  3. After your virtual attendance, you will have access to a program evaluation within the Ethos course and be able to claim your credit within the course.

Where do I get the home study materials for an APhA program?

You will have access to the course pages following registration. These instructions walk you through access all home-study materials you will need to complete prior to the live date. Please contact hsopce@auburn.edu with any additional questions.

I noticed a Preceptor course on your website, but it’s only available for HCOP Preceptors. How can I become an HCOP preceptor?

We do have preceptor courses available for preceptors of any school but some courses are only available to HCOP Preceptors. If you are interested in becoming an HCOP Preceptor, I would recommend contacting April Staton, contact information below.

April Staton
Director of Experiential Operations and Co-Curriculum
Unit: Clinical Affairs and Outreach
Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy
2240 Walker Building
Auburn, AL 36849
E-Mail: statoag@auburn.edu
Phone: 334-844-4195
Fax: 334-844-4346

I saw that there is a Preceptor Development Webinar offered by the college, but it is a Live Zoom Webinar. Would these count as live CE hours?

This year’s Preceptor Development webinar has recently been approved by the Alabama Board of Pharmacy for this year’s preceptor requirements. Please visit https://aub.ethosce.com/homepage for more information on this year’s course. This program is approved for 3 live ACPE approved CE contact hours. Registration is now open for this course. If you are a current HCOP Preceptor, please contact April Staton for a code to waive all registration fee.

Last Updated: March 08, 2023