Resident Teaching and Learning Program
Program Goals
Note: Residents will choose 1 track of emphasis for the program.
RTLP Academia Track
- Obtain an understanding of the current issues in pharmacy education in preperation for a clinical faculty appointment.
- Develop and refine a philosophy of teaching statement.
- Gain experience in teaching through active, didactic, and experiential activities with multiple audiences.
- Develop a method for assessment, reflection, and modification of teaching experiences through documentation in a professional portfolio.
RTLP Preceptor Track
- Obtain an understanding of the current issues in experiential pharmacy education in preparation for a primary preceptor role.
- Develop and refine a philosophy of precepting statement.
- Gain experience in precepting through small group active learning and experiential activities with multiple audiences.
- Develop a method for assessment, reflection, and modification of teaching experiences through documentation in a professional portfolio.
Each program track is designed to achieve the following ASHP PGY-1 Residency Goals & Objectives (Competency Area E6: Teaching and Learning):
- Goal E6.1 Demonstrate foundational knowledge of teaching, learning, and assessment in healthcare education.
- Objective E6.1.1 (Understanding) Explain strategies and interventions for teaching, learning, and assessment in healthcare education.
- Objective E6.1.2 (Understanding) Explain academic roles and associated issues
- Goal E6.2 Develops and practices a philosophy of teaching
- Objective E6.2.1 (Creating) Develop a teaching philosophy statement.
- Objective E6.2.2 (Creating) Prepare a practice-based teaching activity.
- Objectives E6.2.3 (Applying) Deliver a practice-based educational activity, including didactic or experiential teaching, or facilitation.
- Objective E6.2.4 (Creating) Effectively document one’s teaching philosophy, skills, and experiences in a teaching portfolio.
Program Requirements
Residents will select 1 track of emphasis for the program year. The academia track is designed to prepare residents for a clinical faculty position at a school of pharmacy while the preceptor track is designed to prepare residents for a clinical preceptor role. A summary of requirements for each track is provided below. Detailed instructions for each requirement are provided after enrollment in the program and selection of a track.
Academia Track
- Attend and actively participate in all day-long intensive workshop sessions on the Auburn or Mobile campus.
- Intensive Session #1: Aug/Sept
- Intensive Session #2: Jan/Feb
- Participate in additional educational sessions.
- Two (2) elective activities (e.g., seminars/discussions/readings, etc.) related to classroom or experiential teaching and learning identified by the resident or hosted by RTLP
- One to two (1-2) video meetings and/or online discussions as determined by the RTLP coordinators.
- Create and deliver two (2) unique teaching activities for different audiences.
- One activity is delivered to student pharmacists while the other is delivered to an audience other than student pharmacists.
- Both teaching activities must include active learning components.
- The student pharmacist teaching activity should occur in the classroom setting for a non-experiential course.
- Serve as a co-preceptor for and IPPE or APPE rotation for at least 2 weeks.
- Participate as a facilitator for an HCOP course on at least one (1) occasion.
- Grade at least one (1) approved assessment activity for an HSOP course.
- Complete a peer teaching evaluation for a fellow resident.
- Develop and revise a teaching philosophy statement.
- Create an online teaching portfolio and reflection on RTLP activities.
Preceptor Track
- Attend and actively participate in all half-day intensive workshop sessions on the Auburn or Mobile campus.
- Intensive Session #1: Aug/Sept
- Intensive Session #2: Jan/Feb
- Participate in additional educational sessions.
- HSOP Preceptor CE program (in-person or webinar): September / Virtual.
- Two (2) elective activities (e.g., seminars/discussions/readings, etc.) related to experiential teaching and learning identified by the resident or hosted by RTLP.
- One to two (1-2) video meetings and/or online discussions as determined by the RTLP coordinators.
- Create and deliver three (3) unique teaching activities for different audiences.
- Two (2) teaching activities are developed for student pharmacist audiences on IPPEs or APPEs and emphasize active learning.
- One (1) teaching activity is delivered to an audience other than student pharmacists
- Serve as a co-preceptor for an IPPE or APPE rotation for at least 4 weeks. The resident will serve as a primary preceptor for a minimum of 2 weeks.
- Create a syllabus for an IPPE or APPE rotation to include student assignments, a grading plan, and a rotation schedule.
- Complete a peer teaching evaluation for a fellow resident.
- Develop and revise a precepting philosophy statement.
- Create an online precepting portfolio and reflection on RTLP activities.
Certificate of Completion
A certificate of achievement will be awarded after all program requirements are completed and reviewed.
Program Contact
Faculty Contacts