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SNPhA | Student National Pharmaceutical Association

SNPhA Logo
SNPhA National Website
Facebook: Auburn, Mobile | Twitter: Auburn, Mobile | Instagram: Auburn, Mobile

The Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) is an educational service association of pharmacy students who are concerned about pharmacy and healthcare related issues, and the poor minority representation in pharmacy and other health-related professions. The Harrison College of Pharmacy has SNPhA chapters on both its Auburn and Mobile campuses.

The purpose of SNPhA is to plan, organize, coordinate and execute programs geared toward the improvement for the health, educational, and social environment of the community.

SNPhA meets monthly and offers programs of interest to student pharmacists. Student members have the opportunity to develop leadership and professional skills within our organization. SNPhA strives to educate students about and promote active participation in national health care issues. We offer a variety of active committees provide students opportunities to become more involved in the organization and the profession. These committees include:

  • Operation Immunization: This program is an immunization awareness campaign designed to increase the public's knowledge about immunizations, while increasing the number of adults who receive immunizations
  • Legislative/Membership Benefits: This is a dual initiative focusing on voting registration among underrepresented minorities and on immigration issues affecting the nation
  • Chronic Kidney Disease: SNPhA and Abbott Renal Care are collaborating on a new initiative to increase awareness on the risk factors and disease states that can lead to chronic kidney disease (CKD)
  • Diabetes: SNPhA has accepted the challenge to educate patients on disease state management, lifestyle modifications, medication therapy, and monitoring related to Diabetes
  • Power to End Stroke: SNPhA has partnered with the American Stroke Association (ASA) on the Power to End Stroke/Smoking Cessation initiative
  • Remember the Ribbon: National HIV/AIDS Initiative is aimed at towards promoting awareness, education, and prevention of HIV/AIDS within minority populations

2023-24 Auburn SNPhA Officers

Melanie Walker-Giles

Melanie Walker-Giles

Carrington Kee

Carrington Kee
Bridging the Gap Chair

Nataleigh Austin

Nataleigh Austin
Vice President

Bryson Grimsley

Bryson Grimsley

Karian Moon

Karian Moon

Breanna Wright

Breanna Wright
Public Relations Chair

Kiaira Anderson

Kiaira Anderson
Women's Health Chair

Ariel Dulaney

Ariel Dulaney
Mental Health Chair

Maia Singleton

Maia Singleton
Fighting Diabetes Chair

JasLynn Lambert

JasLynn Lambert
Fundraising Chair

Micah Grey

Micah Grey
Power to End Stroke Chair

Josh Peoples

Josh Peoples
Project Keepsake Chair

Lindsey Hohmann

Lindsey Hohmann

Jingjing Qian

Jingjing Qian

2023-24 Mobile SNPhA Officers

Alexandria Rogers

Alexandria Rogers

Lila Parrish

Lila Parrish
Vice President

Imani Wells

Imani Wells

Nimah Alsahqani

Nimah Alsahqani

Allison Chung

Allison Chung

Last Updated: May 01, 2023