Leaders Creating Leaders for Tomorrow

Faculty Affairs

The Division of Faculty Affairs is one of the four administrative divisions within in the Harrison College of Pharmacy, along with Academic Programs, Research, and Clinical Affairs and Outreach.

The mission of the unit is to support individual faculty, departments, and faculty communities by collecting, analyzing, and reporting assessment data, providing training and performance support, supporting the scholarship of teaching and learning, assisting with international programs, fostering diversity and inclusion, and assisting with accreditation and continuous quality improvement.

By combining a number of functions that have traditionally been spread across multiple units, Faculty Affairs helps to ensure important activities are given the resources and focus needed for successful completion. This makes these activities more efficient for the college and less time consuming for faculty so they can focus on their primary jobs of teaching, research, and helping patients.

What We Do


  • Create an outstanding culture of assessment and quality improvement within the school

Faculty Development and Instructional Design

  • Create opportunities for faculty and staff to achieve professional excellence and personal fulfillment

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

  • Create a stronger, more inclusive school through collaborations with diverse faculty, students, and organizations
  • HCOP Statement on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity
    As a dynamic health sciences and academic community, the Harrison College of Pharmacy values and celebrates the individuality of all students, staff, faculty, alumni, patients, and other stakeholders. We foster a safe and welcoming environment in which everyone can openly express their views, collaborate, strive for personal growth, and achieve professional excellence. Diverse perspectives are proactively included in all activities of the school including teaching, research, clinical care, outreach, service, and administration. All stakeholders are challenged to work together to build a more just, inclusive, and equitable society that protects and enhances the dignity, health, and wellness of each member.

  • Learn more about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at HCOP

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

  • Improve scholarly impact, provide faculty with critical peer feedback and create infrastructure for faculty research development.

Strategic Operations

  • Identify and capitalize on opportunities for the school to grow, improve, and evolve (strategic planning and accreditation)

HCOP Faculty Fellows

Leadership Development and Mentoring

  • Enhance opportunities for faculty members to develop as academic leaders
  • Promote female faculty members through the Female Faculty Leadership Mentoring Program

Faculty Profiles

  • Conduct short interviews with outstanding members of the HCOP Faculty

FERNS (Faculty Excellence and Reporting Network)

Last Updated: February 15, 2023