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Cassidi McDaniel: 2023 Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduation Marshal

Cassidi McDaniel head shot graphic

May 4, 2023

By Judith Fuller

AUBURN, Alabama – With a passion to improve the health outcomes in patients, Cassidi McDaniel found her way to Auburn University’s Harrison College of Pharmacy and the health outcomes research and policy option of the Ph.D. in pharmaceutical science program. An outstanding student during her time, she was selected as the Harrison College of Pharmacy graduate program graduation marshal for the commencement ceremony set for Monday, May 8.

Originally from Valley, Alabama, McDaniel was a standout student in the program, receiving pre-doctoral fellowships from the PhRMA Foundation, American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education and the University of Alabama at Birmingham Center for Clinical and Translational Science. She authored 19 refereed publications and presented 21 research abstracts at international and national conferences.

“My decision to pursue Ph.D. training in health outcomes research and policy was based on an interest in research and the opportunities that may be available after graduation,” said McDaniel. “This degree enabled me to pursue a research interest in diabetes while gaining extensive knowledge, skills and hands-on research experience.”

McDaniel’s research interests focus on generating real-world evidence in disease management strategies for diabetes and other chronic conditions to improve patients’ health outcomes.

“I knew of people with this degree from Auburn who followed excellent career paths in government, academia and industry,” said McDaniel. “I was excited about what doors might open for my future with this degree.”

During her time at Auburn, McDaniel was actively involved in several organizations including in the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, serving in the leadership roles of president and treasurer for the student chapter at Auburn University. She also served as a departmental senator with the Graduate Student Council.

McDaniel says her favorite part about the program at Auburn was the diversity of research areas she could explore as a graduate student.

“This program allowed me to gain a vast range of experiences while finding a research area I was most passionate about,” said McDaniel.

Looking back on her time at Auburn, McDaniel appreciates the opportunities to grow as a student, investigator and a person.

“My time at Auburn was incredibly fulfilling to me, professionally and personally,” said McDaniel. “I worked with amazing colleagues and faculty, and I even met some of my closest friends while at Auburn.”

McDaniel’s career goals are to contribute her skills and knowledge about health outcomes research and pharmacoepidemiology to improve the lives of patients with chronic conditions. After graduation, she plans to pursue a career in the government or industry setting as a health services researcher.


About the Harrison College of Pharmacy

Auburn University’s Harrison College of Pharmacy is ranked among the top 25 percent of all pharmacy programs in the United States, according to U.S. News & World Report. Fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), the College offers doctoral degrees in pharmacy (Pharm.D.) and pharmaceutical sciences (Ph.D.) while also offering a master’s in pharmaceutical sciences. The College's commitment to world-class scholarship and interdisciplinary research speaks to Auburn's overarching Carnegie R1 designation that places Auburn among the top 100 doctoral research universities in the nation. For more information about the College, please call 334.844.8348 or visit http://pharmacy.auburn.edu.

Making Medications Work Through Innovative Research, Education and Patient Care

Last Updated: May 04, 2023